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Pakiety użytkownika fraginvasion
  • 1
    Moduł 8: Kultura
    opera house , striking, make up information, sitcom, security barriers, contemporary, behind the scenes, perform / performance, overexposed, prehistoric, spray graffiti, feature film, plot, sculpture , issue, temple, broadsheet, take / shoot a photo, tripod, watercolours, exhibit, stuntman , act/ star, weekly / mothly magazine, villain, stage fright, remote control, mallet, special effects (FX), work of art, hit the music charts, blockbuster
  • 1
    salmon, salad bar , eating disorder , sour, crispy, defrost, pour into, cucumber, healing power, chives, oven, turn , parsley, potato masher, pica, whipped cream, peeler, content consumer, celery, nutritious values, grapes, food label, raw, foodie, dessert, dietetitan, pasta / nudles, corn flakes, wholemeal (bread), extra virgin oil, shake, nutcracker
  • 0
    camomile / mint tea, deaf / with impaired hearing, stitches, wrist, bump, kidney, stiffness, treat, guide dog, put on weight, intensive care unit, bite, immune system, toe, wear deodorant, cut, drip, vaccination against, give an injection, folk/herbal remedies, muscles, CAT scan, terminaly ill, ankle, suck a throat lozenge, flu (gastric), bronchitis, stretcher, eye, ward, swollen, finger
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    Szemele Hes
    emergency procedures, excess luggage charge, crew, plane crash, stunning views, unpack / pack, luxurious / luxury, full board / half board, derailment, sleeping bag, cancelled, black box, get lost, duffel bag, itinerary, travel agency, quick-drying, railroad / tracks, buisness/economy class, human error, (tramp) stop, facilities / amenities, holiday resort, snowmobile, airline, discount, blanket, city card, welcome on board, (single/return) ticket, X-ray the luggage, engine
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    Keszke w meszke
    Winter, ölpest, Umweltschützer, tropisch, Einwegflasche, mild, Weg, Schadstoff, Wegwerfverpackung, kalt, Ozean, Erdbeben, Tal, Sonne, Wirbelsturm, bedeckt, Park, wechselhaft, Brand, Schrott, Insel, Umweltschutzorganisation, Strand, UV-Strahlung, Feld, Ozonchicht, Hurrikan, heiter, Fabrik, Kläranlage, Berg, Trockenperiode - projektowanie graficzne, uslugi programistyczne
Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone 2008-2024